Our focus is on continuous software development, but we have also carried out several project-based developments related to our area of expertise. Additionally, we have advised other companies in development and integration projects concerning retail and service processes.

Project management
We manage projects in a way that allows clients to focus on their core operations. To do this, we draw up a project plan where we set out the agreed deadlines and the individuals responsible for each area. We often act as a general contractor, co-ordinating the work of multiple partners.
The project plan provides all parties with an overview of the progress made throughout the project. We know that a clear and carefully devised project plan is key to ensuring that the complete solutions developed are launched on time and within budget.
Support services
Service desk
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(+372) 668 8860
We are constantly improving our monitoring and remote management solution, so that errors can be discovered and fixed before they start affecting the usability of the systems.

Software support
Software user consultation and training is one of our core services. Our skilled application software specialists are ready to serve users on a daily basis and, if necessary, to edit software settings, generally using remote management tools.
IT-Infra support
IT infrastructure support services ensure the secure and reliable operation of servers, workstations, and data communication solutions. Our administrators advise users on matters concerning standard software and, where necessary, will modify and update the relevant IT infrastructure solutions.
Our IT-Express team provides prompt on-site support. Most hardware failures are resolved in the course of site visits. Hardware harmonised according to our recommendations enables simpler management of replacement equipment and faster troubleshooting.
To reduce the incidence of unexpected failures and ensure a longer service life for hardware, we perform regular preventive maintenance. We arrange for any necessary repairs for all equipment in use, either at the hands of our own specialists or one of our partners.